Published on May 25, 2023

In the Spotlight – Winter 2023

It has been a decade since the NDIS has been in place in Australia, and in that time has faced considerable criticism from both Participants and service providers.

As a result, the government has conducted an independent review of the Scheme which has brought to light some ongoing issues including:

* long delays in making decisions

* unexplained changes to plans

* lots of red tape

* confusing and complicated information and processes

* too many changes made too quickly

* lack of help to work your way through the scheme

* not enough focus on what needs to be done to make sure people with disability have what they need to be independent and live a good life.

Whilst promoting “choice and control” for Participants, the NDIS scheme has been widely criticised for its inconsistent rules and controls for registered providers and unregulated providers including private support workers.

Unfortunately, very few checks are currently in place for unregulated providers and private workers, so it is not surprising that the quality of care, safety of Participants, and rorting of the NDIS scheme has been called into question.

Minister Shorten has indicated that the NDIS system will as a result undergo a major shakeup and many changes are expected to be announced before the review reports back in October this year.

At Myhorizon, we take the protection of our Participants’ rights very seriously. As a registered provider, we are committed to advocating for our Participants and doing what we always do – going above and beyond to provide the highest quality services and care.

We are passionate about ensuring that our Participants receive the best possible care and support.

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