Supporting your everyday living and leisure goals
What is Myhorizon’s Lifestyle service?
We’re a disability support service which is customisable, caring, and flexible. Through our group
supports and 1-on-1 supports, we are committed to building you a tailored lifestyle so you can achieve your everyday living and leisure goals.
Why choose Myhorizon?
Our Lifestyle services are designed to support your individual needs and assist you where you need it most, providing you with more choice and control over what YOU want to do.
Our 1-on-1 supports are known to provide excellent outcomes for achieving your goals and can be accessed as often as you choose and that fit in with your NDIS goals and plan.
These are just some areas we can work with you:
• Community participation and travel training
• Development of your life skills
• Cooking a meal for your family
• Completing house hold tasks in your home
• Working on your personal care needs
• Visiting new locations
• Inviting others along to an activity like fishing, making music, or just hanging out
• Doing arts, crafts and hobbies
• Learning more about health and wellbeing
• Leisure activities such learning a sport, taking a class, or joining a club
• Volunteering for community groups
• We track your goals and can provide you with a report at anytime.
Even with our 1-on-1 supports, we understand the importance of still being able to socialise and access community programs. As a team, we are constantly coming up with new ideas and locations for social activities, and can even meet up with other Myhorizon 1-on-1 supported participants (if you choose to).
About our great team
We have a wonderful team of experienced and highly qualified Disability Support Professionals awarded best practice in the area of training, and with a diverse set of skills and backgrounds.
Our excellent staff culture at Myhorizon also means we have a lower staff turnover and can provide you with a more consistent delivery of supports and great service.
Our team are passionate about empowering you and creating opportunities where you can explore your potential and nurture your growth and development. They will work with you, for you, to provide you with support that is focused, educational, and enjoyable.
How do I get Myhorizon’s Lifestyle services funded in my NDIS plan?
The NDIA will work out an individual plan based on your personal goals and your particular needs. Your plan could include the support you need from family and carers, and service providers such as Myhorizon.
Our Lifestyle service provides supports for Daily Living and Social & Community participation, both within the Core and Capacity Building Support categories in the NDIS Price Guide. Learn more about NDIS here.
Mybreak from Myhorizon
Have you heard about Mybreak? It’s our newest program, creating unforgettable short-term holiday experiences, tailored to you! Learn more.
Get in touch
For a confidential discussion on how we can assist you with our lifestyle services, and help you better understand your options under the NDIS, call Myhorizon today on 07 3824 7007 or leave an email enquiry for us using the contact form on this website.
Connect with us
1300 MYHORIZON (694 674) Main office
1-15A Runnymede Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Postal addressPO Box 118, Capalaba QLD 4157