Published on June 7, 2021

A message from Joe – Winter 2021

Welcome to our 2021 Winter newsletter. An opportunity to highlight some of the important work that has kept the Myhorizon team busy these past few months. The stories in this edition will inspire you, showcasing just how wonderful our participants are, displaying courage, collaboration, perseverance and positivity.

On another note, Myhorizon recently had our annual audit done across our Employment and NDIS services, and I am thrilled to say that we successfully completed both audits with flying colours. As part of Myhorizon’s service delivery obligations, independent auditors interviewed Myhorizon staff, clients and participants on a randomly selected basis and collected feedback which was overwhelmingly positive and showed how much our clients value our services.

The audit looked at staff qualifications including expertise, experience and training, incident management process and policies, complaints management and risk management process/policies. There were no minor or major non-compliances, which is something we can be proud about.

As we continue to deliver our services, we are reminded of the need to practice COVID Safe measures in our communities, including social distancing, frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitisers, and wearing of masks where required.

The recent fourth lock-down in Victoria, highlights how easy things can change, impacting the economy, numerous businesses and individuals. The impact on mental health cannot be under estimated either. Fortunately, disability services continue to be listed as “essential”, however the reality of any potential lockdowns in Queensland, definitely has flow on effects to all services, so we all need to remain vigilant.

With vaccinations now recommended and available, there are many good reasons to be vaccinated as outlined on the Australian Government’s Department of Health website: .

Many of our staff, clients and Participants have been vaccinated, and we also ask that you please consider being vaccinated if you are eligible.

Joe Gamblin, CEO

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