Community Donations Help Kids in Need

A Thank you Morning Tea recently held by local charity group Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc., brought together volunteers and local groups to acknowledge their support in helping children in need.

The event was held at The Christian Church in Carina, where volunteers and supporters were praised for their generous donations, all helping to provide comprehensive and free Care kits containing clothing, educational needs, toys, books, blankets and toiletries to children who need it, all year round across Queensland.

Myhorizon were just one of the many donors over the past year, contributing much needed packing space within their Wynnum Lifestyle Centre for the kits. Myhorizon’s participants were also eager to lend a hand, helping to collate and pack over 3000 kits in the past 16 months.

“We know first-hand the positive impact donations and local support has to a community project, and so we were delighted to be able to contribute to such an important cause. Having our participants also help out, gave them a new sense of purpose and confidence in their capabilities.” Said Rod Kennedy, Myhorizon’s Lifestyle Executive Manager.

One of the founding volunteers and President of Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc., Christine Rafter, is grateful to all the volunteers and donors who continue to support their endeavour.

“Throughout Covid-19 we have continued to provide our Care Kits, and this is only possible with our wonderful team, especially our volunteers who sort and pack the kits every week. We were able to pack and distribute 3,400 Care Kits, quilts, or special orders from Myhorizon’s Wynnum premises, offering practical needs, hope and love from our community to children in crisis or care. Thank you to Myhorizon for your support.” Said Christine.

To find out how you can donate to Care Kits for Kids Qld, go to


(Photo 1 – L to R: Rod Kennedy – Myhorizon Lifestyle Executive Manager; Christine Rafter – President Care Kits for Kids Qld; Di Farmer – Minister for Employment and Small Business of Queensland at the Thank you Morning Tea.

Photo 2 – Community Donations included in the Care Kits for Kids)