Book your Speech Therapy appointment with Myhorizon

Since the introduction of the NDIS, various Allied Health services have been life changing for many participants, and in high demand both in the Redlands and great South East Qld region.

For participants based in the Redlands and looking for current vacancies with a trusted Allied Health service provider, Myhorizon offer Speech Therapy services to both children and adults, with a strong family and client centered approach, delivering a caring service that is of the highest quality and transparency.

Speech therapy can benefit both children and adults with support in areas of conversation skills, voice, speech or stuttering, reading and writing, eating and drinking, and using and understanding language.

Myhorizon resident Speech Pathologist, Caitlyn Leese is passionate about improving quality of life for her clients.
“I want to give my clients the ability to communicate by delivering programs and supports that are encouraging and fun.” Says Caitlyn.

To make an appointment with Caitlyn, contact us today.

NDIS funds speech therapy for Jemma

Many people may not know just how life changing speech therapy can be for someone with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Regular speech therapy can improve both verbal and non‐verbal communication, as well as social interaction skills – some of the things many people may take for granted.

For 13 year old Jemma Sims from Capalaba, holding a two way conversation with someone can be a daily challenge, and an area that she has been working on regularly with Speech Pathologist Caityln Leese from Myhorizon.

“I’ve been working with Jemma since the start of 2019 helping her to ‘connect the wires’ and join together elements of her communication and language. Many people may not realise that speech therapy covers more than just speech. It also involves communication, language, swallowing, fluency and many other aspects.” Says Caitlyn.

Jemma’s mother Coral‐Lee, has also seen a positive difference in such a short time. “She has been picking things up really quickly. Caitlyn seems to be filling in the blanks for Jemma. All of a sudden, stuff is making sense.” Says Coral‐Lee.

As a Speech Pathologist, Caitlyn’s philosophy is to make therapy fun and play based to engage with her clients. Thanks to the NDIS, more people can now access these allied health therapies as part of their individualised funding packages to support their goals.

“Before NDIS I couldn’t afford any therapy services. Jemma hasn’t had speech therapy for years, so the NDIS has been a blessing.” Says Coral‐Lee.

Click here to find out more about Myhorizon’s allied health therapies available to both children and adults, or connect with us via our online Contact Form.

A bright future for Jaxson

It’s often not an easy road finding the right supports or the right support team for a child with a disability.

Meet Jaxson, a happy go lucky five year old boy who loves to jump, run and climb and is happiest amongst his peers at his local mainstream kindergarten. Jaxson was diagnosed with  ASD Level 3 (autistic spectrum disorder) when he was 2 years old, and since then has also been found to have sensory processing disorder, is non-verbal, and also has ADHD.

Jaxson’s mother, Sandra, speaks candidly about the roadblocks she and her partner have experienced the last few years with many mainstream services not meeting Jaxson’s needs.

“Being in a mainstream setting is where Jaxson is most happy however he wasn’t getting the support he needed and I felt lost and didn’t know where to turn. I heard about Myhorizon’s Early Intervention Services last year and decided to give them a call. After speaking to the team there, I finally felt like I found someone who could offer some understanding and options for the first time. I ended that call with tears of hope.” Said Sandra.

Myhorizon was able to provide a range of educational resources for Sandra and her family to learn about Jaxson’s diagnosis and possible treatments and therapies available. The Early Intervention team were then able to schedule time to observe Jaxson in his kindergarten environment and give feedback as to what best supports were needed for Jaxson in that setting.

“This was a game-changer for Jaxson and us as a family. It gave us hope and a path forward and options where we were at a point where we felt like we had no options.” Said Sandra.

Myhorizon’s Early Intervention team developed a tailored program for Jaxson which included an integrative support approach. Using a combination of therapies, Sandra quickly saw improvements and progress in Jaxson’s everyday skills.

“Jaxson is completely non-verbal but it doesn’t mean he isn’t vocal. Getting an appropriate communication pathway for Jaxson has been quite difficult, however working with the Therapists at Myhorizon has allowed Jaxson to trial a communication device where he can push buttons on a special device to speak to us, which is usually very expensive and out of reach for a lot of families so we’ve been extremely lucky. It’s been a huge thing for Jaxson as a person and the people trying to communicate with him. We are also currently trying to explore a further trial with an eye-gaze component just to see if that helps him communicate any better.” Said Sandra.

Sandra and her husband Lee, have also benefited from the MyTime Respite  sessions held through Myhorizon where they’ve been able to meet and talk to other parents with similar experiences. “It’s so good just to have that support, someone to talk to, someone who knows and understands about your child’s disability. We went through a stage of being very alone and finding it very difficult to self-educate over Jaxson’s diagnosis and difficulties, and getting to meet other families. Not all kids have same disabilities and not all kids have same struggles with the same disabilities, but it’s been great meeting other families and other kids and it’s been great doing it in a supportive setting.”

Sandra has recently worked through the NDIS planning process with Myhorizon’s team and is awaiting Jaxson’s new package like many other participants, so Jaxson’s supports can continue. “I initially found the whole NDIS process confusing and overwhelming but the Early Intervention team at Myhorizon helped us through it all and made sure I had all the right information ready.

“Finding the Myhorizon Early Intervention team has been one of the main positives of our journey with Jaxson. It’s been the most helpful in a therapeutic and personal level too.” Said Sandra.

When asked what Sandra’s ultimate long-term goal is for Jaxson, she wants what any parent wants for their child,

“I’d love for things to be made more accessible in the community for Jaxson and other individuals like him. I want him to experience his educational journey with his peers. That’s where he’s happiest and thrives the most. And long-term, I want him to have the opportunity to live independently and have a job one day, whatever that may be.”

Click here to find out more about Myhorizon’s Early Intervention Services.

Myhorizon announces Wayne Clarke as its new Chair

Local disability services provider, Myhorizon, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Wayne Clarke as the new Chair of its Board of Directors.

Dr Clarke joined the Board in March 2012 and has held the position of Vice President over the last 2 years, and recently succeeded Louise Dudley as President and Chairman.

Victoria Knight, HBE employee at Myhorizon, and Dr Wayne Clarke, newly appointed President and Chair of the Board.

Spending much of his early career as a Speech therapist, Dr Clarke has worked with people with disability for many years and completing a PhD in the speech of cerebral palsy children has given him a strong understanding of working with people with disability. Dr Clarke has also worked for a number of non-profit organisations in executive roles, more recently for the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, and Mental Illness Fellowship of Qld through which he has gained a strong sense of the importance of community values.

 “My view of disability and the role of organisations like Myhorizon is to try and prevent the disabling aspects of disability so that people can grow and lead a positive life and look for education, employment and other services.

“The wider community may not be aware just how many people there are with disability. We need to try to bring them out to be active members of our community and promote a general acceptance by everybody. They all need support in one way or another and as a community I believe we all have a responsibility to support them.” Said Dr Clarke.

It’s a timely message leading up to International Day of People with Disability, celebrated on 3 December. This is a United Nations sanctioned day that promotes inclusivity and celebrates the achievements and contributions of people with disability. It is an opportunity for our community to make positive changes to the lives of 4.3 million Australians living with disability.

A strong example of this year’s theme of empowering people with disability, is the collaboration and job ownership displayed by the HBE team at Myhorizon. Victoria Knight (pictured with Dr Wayne Clarke) is one of many employees who says she enjoys working at Myhorizon because she likes to come and get her jobs done and be with her friends. Myhorizon’s HBE employees work on a variety of mailing and packaging contracts for well-known businesses in the local area such as Sirromet Winery, as well as other businesses requiring similar services.

In addition to the mailing and packaging services offered by Myhorizon at their newly built Centre on Runnymede Road, Capalaba (next to Indigiscapes), they also provide a range of high quality services, all designed to support the ongoing needs of people with disability.

“The investment that has been made in Myhorizon’s new facilities and services is not just about preparing for the launch of NDIS next year, but also about having a modern facility that can be used by everyone in the community.

“You have members of the community coming in here, you’ve got people with disabilities helping in the café, and providing services back into the community. The fact that there is a facility that can provide you a good cup of coffee and you know in doing that you are supporting the community effort, really is important.” Said Dr Clarke.

 For more information on Myhorizon’s full range of services, click here.

Myhorizon Events: NDIS for Kids

Myhorizon will be hosting a special information event with occupational therapy specialist and lecturer Dr. Adele Suda for parents in February.

The event to be held at Myhorizon’s newly minted Ian McDougall Centre for Early Intervention at Capalaba will cover topics related to early childhood intervention supports, the NDIS, and family-centred advocacy, support and direction.

When: Monday 28th February

Where: Myhorizon’s Ian McDougall Centre, 1-15A Runnymede Road, Capalaba Qld 4157

Time: 10am-12pm

RSVP: Please email Kylee Honeyman, Ian McDougall Centre Manager, on to register your attendance.

More information about the speaker: 

Adele Suda is a Senior Occupational Therapist and Lecturer with over 20 years experience working with children, adolescents and families (B.App.Sc. OT; Grad Cert. Counselling; PhD Candidate).

She is registered with AHPRA and the Australian Occupational Therapy Association.

Her career has focused on working with neurological/cognitive impairments such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD, Learning Difficulties and Sensory Processing Disorder.

She is highly experienced in developing and implementing child/family centred evidence based interventions.

Adele has worked in a number of settings including Alice Springs with indigenous communities and Newcastle Child and Family Health Network. She owned and directed a private paediatric practice on the Gold Coast QLD for 10 years.

Adele’s passion and enthusiasm for working with children, adolescents and families, has developed through working as a clinician, lecturer at Southern Cross University and also as a researcher.

Adele is also the mother of a child with support needs and has advocated for him for over 10 years through school, community and service provision.

Adele is the founder and director of Caring About Families, and works in partnership with children and their family members to plan, set goals, and create a meaningful and purposeful life.

Adele is a Lecturer at Southern Cross University in the School of Health and Human Sciences where she teaches on the Occupational Therapy program. She is also a PhD candidate with the University of Sydney studying the perceptions of family well-being for families who have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

She is also a committee member of Autism Gold Coast Inc., actively increasing awareness and support for those with ASD in the community.