It’s a full house at Riley Drive

It’s been a warm welcome for Lifestyle participant Scott Adam, to our Supported Independent Living home in Riley Drive, Capalaba.

With tenants Stephen and James already living in the property, the last vacant room has now officially been filled with Scott recently moving in and joining the bachelor pad.

The men in the house were thrilled with Scott’s arrival and his calm demeanor and easy-going attitude have made him a fantastic and compatible addition to the house.

Now that Scott has moved out of home, he’s keen to expand his skills in the kitchen and cook for his housemates (with the help of his Support Worker). He’s even been given the run-down by his new housemates on how to operate the dishwasher and washing machine and actively contribute to keeping the home clean.

Scott is no stranger to embracing an independent lifestyle, having already achieved his driver’s license, and arriving to his new home in his very own car, which he regularly enjoys taking for a drive when he gets the chance.

What a fantastic and empowering achievement!


When transitioning into Supported Independent Living (SIL), Myhorizon believes that the compatibility matching process is the highest of priority. We want our participants to live with people they feel safe and comfortable with.

We believe that the success of a SIL home is dependent on appropriately matching participants based on age, gender, interest, location and support needs.

We want our participants to take an active part in choosing their housemates. We ask our participants what they want and need and we design a home environment to suit their wishes.

We don’t fill vacancies, rather we match people who are compatible to live together.

For more information on our Supported Independent Living Service, contact us today.

Kasper is cooking up a storm

When it comes to food and cooking, Kasper, a participant from our Logan Lifestyle Centre, is constantly thinking up new ideas for what he can create in the kitchen.

From wraps and burgers, to cakes and sweets, Kasper’s newfound love of cooking is at the top of his list of things he now enjoys.

After many years of suffering from severe food intolerances, a recent health procedure has meant that Kasper can now enjoy a much wider variety of foods, allowing him to get creative and explore new recipes that are a little more exciting than his previous bland diet.

Nowadays, you will find Kasper outside using the BBQ with Jean Claude, or in the kitchen with Tia (his Support Workers), cooking up a storm, and building his Daily Living skills.

Lifestyle’s Executive Manager, Belinda Thompson, is passionate about ensuring participants have hands on opportunities to grow their skills and reach their goals.

“It’s about empowering individuals to explore all the things they enjoy and nurture their interests and develop their competencies”, she said.

Apart from cooking, Kasper has also been running a car washing business for the last few years, with a growing client base of staff and visitors at the Loganlea Community Centre every Tuesday.

Why not drop in next time you’re in the area for a quick wash or even a full detail. Kasper can cover just about any car cleaning needs you have!

For more information about our Lifestyle services and locations, contact us today.

Almost $1200 raised to support RSPCA

To help fight against animal cruelty, Jean Jensen from our Employment & Training team, recently took part in RSPCA’s Million Paws Walk, surpassing her $1000 goal and raising $1152 by walking with her beloved dog, Molly.

“After I took part last year, I wanted to raise funds to support the RSPCA again this year, as they do such important work. A big thank you to those who have donated”. Said Jean.

There is still time to contribute to Jean’s fundraising campaign. Go to and donate before end June.

A message from Joe – Summer 2021/22

It is refreshing to almost see the end of this crazy year. This festive season is a time for us to restock, refresh, and remind ourselves of the good things in our lives, and the hope we hold for the future.

I am personally thankful for the amazing staff we have at Myhorizon who have taken on all of the challenges they have been confronted with, especially the additional pressure as a result of the impact of COVID.

Safety of our clients has been our number one priority and we are fortunate to have been able to continue to operate our various programs with minimum disruption. Mandatory vaccinations are now in place and all Myhorizon staff delivering services have been vaccinated.

2022 is a year of new beginnings and new opportunities to be embraced, and Myhorizon is here to support you in the journey.

From the Board, management and staff, we wish all of our Myhorizon subscribers the very best for the Festive Season. We will continue to be with you, for you in in 2022.

Joe Gamblin


Image: Myhorizon Disability Support Professionals – Jade & Jackie, with CEO Joe Gamblin

Staff Spotlight – Bell Thompson

We are thrilled to have Bell Thompson join the Myhorizon team as our new Executive Manager of Lifestyle. We took some time to get to know a little more about her….

Q. What other key roles and organisations have you worked in prior to Myhorizon?
I have worked in the disability industry for 17 years. My experience spans from a Disability Support Worker, Support Coordinator, Service Coordinator, Service Manager and Business Development Manager. Predominantly I worked for Guardien Group, for almost 10 years and prior to this I worked for Autism Queensland (where I started as a very young support worker).

Q. What inspires you to work in the disability sector and what do you hope to bring to your new role at Myhorizon?
I am inspired by the opportunity to make a positive impact on a person with a disability’s life. I believe that every day is another chance to do something that could make a big difference in the life of an individual. I might be a little naïve but my mission is to help build awareness in hopes of subsiding the stereotypical mindset of society and build a more inclusive and positive community for people with disability. I would like to build upon a collaborative and partnership approach to service delivery and support the Myhorizon team as I am understanding that our work is unique and at times challenging. I strongly feel that our team members are the heart and soul of the organisation and as a leader it is my intension to look after those who look after our clients.

Q. What is something people may not know about you?
I am a die hard AFL fan, who supports Carlton Football club. It would be an understatement to say this is a passion, but rather a lifestyle. Carn’ the blues!!!

Joel’s Happy Place is in the Garden

There’s a famous Chinese proverb that says “If you want to be happy for a lifetime, be a gardener”. For Myhorizon Employment and Training participant, Joel Speakman, he has found his happy place, working towards a career in horticulture and gardening.

26 year old Joel loves working outdoors, and joined Myhorizon’s Horticulture team doing work experience before gaining paid employment with Shedland Garden Nursery.

Michelle Robertson, owner of the Shedland Garden Nursery, employed Joel for 18 months right up until she closed down her business, and was impressed by his attention to detail and strong work ethic.

“Joel constantly performed well and soon became an integral and valued team member. He made a positive difference to our daily business operations every single day he was employed.” Said Michelle.

“As an employer, I found nothing was ever a problem for Joel. He was flexible and reliable, particularly when asked to do extra hours on a shift. Joel was always respectful and had a very polite nature”. Said Michelle.

Joel’s reliable and flexible work ethic, together with the right opportunity provided by employers such as Michelle, saw Joel recently move into a new paid job with Capalaba Nursery as a Nursery Assistant.

Joel’s Employment Coordinator, Jodie McIntosh, is passionate about matching the right employer with the right candidate, supporting Joel who has now started work with Capalaba Nursery only 2 days after finishing at Shedlands .

“It’s about opening new doors and opportunities to people who have so much to offer. The benefits work both ways, not only providing paid employment and new skills for our candidates, but also providing our local businesses and employers with recruits who bring a new energy, outlook, and work ethic”. Said Jodie.

For more information on Myhorizon’s Horticulture and Employment and Training services, Contact us.

$1000 raised for mental health

Did you know that 20% of Australians experience a mental illness?
That’s 1 in 5 of us, for ducks sake!

During Mental Health Month in October this year, the Waves of Wellness (WOW) Ducktober’ Challenge saw hundreds of people immerse themselves in cold water to raise over $140,000 in funds for WOW’s Mental Health surf therapy programs, supporting those in our community who are struggling the most.

Myhorizon’s Employment and Training team, work alongside people in our own communities living with mental illness, so they jumped at the chance to help out and raise funds for this important cause. They were up for the challenge, taking 31 days of cold showers to raise $1000! Thank you to everyone who donated!

Want to get your ducks in a row for the next cold water challenge in October 2022? Simply send an email to to register your interest.

Community Donations Help Kids in Need

A Thank you Morning Tea recently held by local charity group Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc., brought together volunteers and local groups to acknowledge their support in helping children in need.

The event was held at The Christian Church in Carina, where volunteers and supporters were praised for their generous donations, all helping to provide comprehensive and free Care kits containing clothing, educational needs, toys, books, blankets and toiletries to children who need it, all year round across Queensland.

Myhorizon were just one of the many donors over the past year, contributing much needed packing space within their Wynnum Lifestyle Centre for the kits. Myhorizon’s participants were also eager to lend a hand, helping to collate and pack over 3000 kits in the past 16 months.

“We know first-hand the positive impact donations and local support has to a community project, and so we were delighted to be able to contribute to such an important cause. Having our participants also help out, gave them a new sense of purpose and confidence in their capabilities.” Said Rod Kennedy, Myhorizon’s Lifestyle Executive Manager.

One of the founding volunteers and President of Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc., Christine Rafter, is grateful to all the volunteers and donors who continue to support their endeavour.

“Throughout Covid-19 we have continued to provide our Care Kits, and this is only possible with our wonderful team, especially our volunteers who sort and pack the kits every week. We were able to pack and distribute 3,400 Care Kits, quilts, or special orders from Myhorizon’s Wynnum premises, offering practical needs, hope and love from our community to children in crisis or care. Thank you to Myhorizon for your support.” Said Christine.

To find out how you can donate to Care Kits for Kids Qld, go to


(Photo 1 – L to R: Rod Kennedy – Myhorizon Lifestyle Executive Manager; Christine Rafter – President Care Kits for Kids Qld; Di Farmer – Minister for Employment and Small Business of Queensland at the Thank you Morning Tea.

Photo 2 – Community Donations included in the Care Kits for Kids)

Mybreak from Myhorizon

Life is all about living new experiences and creating memories… that’s why we’re thrilled to launch our new Mybreak program, creating unforgettable short-term holiday experiences, tailored to you!


What is Mybreak all about?

In a nutshell, as a participant you get to enjoy a short holiday break with likeminded friends in a beautiful location.

You and two other participants will experience a fun, adventurous (or relaxing) getaway with the full support of a qualified Myhorizon staff member.

Stay at a resort close to all the action on the Gold Coast or an agreed location as chosen by you and your group.


How are your breaks funded?

Although holidays themselves aren’t technically funded by the NDIS, the supports involved are. The good news is, you are able to utilise your Short Term Accommodation (STA) funding from your NDIS Core Supports to pay for your accommodation, and food.

As a unique feature of Mybreak, your local transport is also covered and your STA funding will only be charged for the time you are on your break (not 24 hour blocks like most other providers), leaving you saved funds towards your next break with us. Your only out-of-pocket expense are any activities you choose to participate in while on your mini holiday, just like you would do any other time.


What activities are possible?

We want to tailor these experiences to what you love to do, in a caring, empowering and safe environment. Here are just a few exciting ideas:

– Spend a day out at MovieWorld, Seaworld, or Outback Spectacular

– Go Whale-watching for a day or feed the dolphins

– Enjoy a water sports activity or a lunch river cruise

– Spend a day out at the Zoo

– Play mini golf or lasertag

– Go fishing or enjoy a relaxing bushwalk

– Soak up the sun and waves at the beach

– Enjoy a night out at Dracula’s or sing your heart out at Karaoke

– See a live band or go out dancing

– Relax in the pool or try out the waterslides


For more information on our Mybreak program, contact us today.

A message from Joe – Winter 2021

Welcome to our 2021 Winter newsletter. An opportunity to highlight some of the important work that has kept the Myhorizon team busy these past few months. The stories in this edition will inspire you, showcasing just how wonderful our participants are, displaying courage, collaboration, perseverance and positivity.

On another note, Myhorizon recently had our annual audit done across our Employment and NDIS services, and I am thrilled to say that we successfully completed both audits with flying colours. As part of Myhorizon’s service delivery obligations, independent auditors interviewed Myhorizon staff, clients and participants on a randomly selected basis and collected feedback which was overwhelmingly positive and showed how much our clients value our services.

The audit looked at staff qualifications including expertise, experience and training, incident management process and policies, complaints management and risk management process/policies. There were no minor or major non-compliances, which is something we can be proud about.

As we continue to deliver our services, we are reminded of the need to practice COVID Safe measures in our communities, including social distancing, frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitisers, and wearing of masks where required.

The recent fourth lock-down in Victoria, highlights how easy things can change, impacting the economy, numerous businesses and individuals. The impact on mental health cannot be under estimated either. Fortunately, disability services continue to be listed as “essential”, however the reality of any potential lockdowns in Queensland, definitely has flow on effects to all services, so we all need to remain vigilant.

With vaccinations now recommended and available, there are many good reasons to be vaccinated as outlined on the Australian Government’s Department of Health website: .

Many of our staff, clients and Participants have been vaccinated, and we also ask that you please consider being vaccinated if you are eligible.

Joe Gamblin, CEO